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Labor Lyrics

WEB LABOUR: A Song that Reflects the Struggles of Women

Verse 1: The Cacophony of Roles

The song "WEB LABOUR" by the artist WEB explores the myriad of roles that women are expected to play in society. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the overwhelming and often contradictory demands placed on women, from therapist to mother, maid to nymph, nurse to servant. The constant pressure to conform to these expectations can be suffocating, creating a sense of entrapment and exhaustion.

Chorus: The Struggle for Independence

"One two three, why are you hanging on / To the rope that I'm hanging from?" The chorus poses a poignant question, urging women to question the expectations that bind them. The rope symbolizes the weight of these roles, and the singer pleads with others to let go and find their own path.


Through its powerful lyrics and haunting melody, "WEB LABOUR" captures the essence of the struggles faced by women in a patriarchal society. The song highlights the emotional, mental, and physical labor that women are expected to perform, often without recognition or support. It challenges the idea that women must conform to narrow societal expectations and encourages them to embrace their own identities and aspirations.


"One two three, why are you hanging on?" The song's final repetition of the chorus leaves a lasting impression, reminding readers of the importance of breaking free from societal constraints. "WEB LABOUR" serves as a powerful anthem for women, urging them to reject the roles that have been imposed on them and to strive for a life of freedom and self-determination.
